Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jump for joy, another semester complete!

So even though I have had some classes/days drag on slowly, and I thought they would never end, the semester is already coming to an end! I'm not quite sure where time has gone because it seems like I was just walking into my first week of classes yesterday.
This past semester has taught me a lot as I endured various things or met some influential people. My classes have been challenging, but rewarding nonetheless. One of my favorites was my religion class, where we studied the Doctrine and Covenants. One point that seemed to be emphasized throughout the class was the fact that Joseph Smith was learning as he was teaching. I found this very interesting and applicable to me as I am trying to absorb as much information as possible while I am studying here in college. In every class we are taught to question the text and information, form our own hypotheses, or try to gain deeper meaning out of it. I realize now that Joseph Smith had some of the same quests. If he had a question about something he was translating, he would ask, and try to gain a deeper meaning and understanding of it. It is through this that we have been able to receive the fulness of the gospel. Not only are we told through our scriptures and prophet today what principles and things should be done, but also HOW to do them. I think this is part of what makes the Book of Mormon so incredible. I am so grateful for this gospel and for the opportunity I have had pray and to ask my own questions about it and receive my own answers. I am blessed to have this truth in my life.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


So this year we did Thanksgiving a little bit differently. Usually its the homemade rolls, the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and one VERY stuffed stomach afterwards. This year however we spent it in Hawaii (which was awesome!). Though this meant none of those typical foods on the dinner table. Instead, we did a good second choice of Hamburgers on the grill near the beach.

It was amazing, but it also kind of made me miss the typical foods and traditions. Despite this, Thanksgiving isn't about eating all kinds of good food, but its about recognizing all the many things that we have been blessed with and that we are grateful for. As I sat on the beach watching the sun go down, I couldn't help but realize just how blessed I truly was!!! I am healthy, I go to a great school, I have family and friends who love me, and I have the knowledge of the true gospel which provides me guidance in my life.

I have been given so much but I think often times I fail to express gratitude for some of the smaller things in my life because they seem to go unseen, or I fail to express appreciation of my trials and all that they have/are teaching me. Countless times I have been carried through my trials or even carried through my daily tasks. I may have nights where I go to bed completely exhausted and not thinking I would be getting enough sleep to keep functioning the next day, but then I wake up with the energy to accomplish the tasks before me.

D&C 46:32
"And ye must give thanks unto God in the Spirit for whatsoever bessing ye are blessed with."

So for this month, I am grateful for the missing ceiling in our apartment that we had for 3 weeks. Because of it, I learned patience. I grew closer to my roommates as we continually just sat and laughed because there was nothing we could do. I became grateful that we live in a place where the ceiling isn't supposed to leak, because I know there are many around the world who have no ceiling at all, or who's ceiling is never capable of keeping all of the rain out. I'm thankful for warm beds, that allow me a peaceful sleep. I'm thankful for clean running water, so I can shower and feel clean rather than using the dirty water that may be caught on our roof (or through it!). I'm thankful for comfortable family rooms that give us a place to relax, study, grow, and interact.
The list could go on forever...

Friday, October 31, 2008

going strong in the final hour..

so time is ticking and it's only a short 4 days until the election. It will be so interesting to see what comes of the election. Although I await to hear who the next president will be, I more anxiously await to hear what is to come regarding PROPOSITION 8. This is going to be so close, and is such a contraversial topic. I figured I'd just write a few of my opinions on it, because I feel so strongly.

I don't think people realize what they are voting on in regards to this proposition. Many think that it is regarding homosexual partnership rights, but this is not really the case. All partnerships are given the same legal rights as stated in our state constitution, we are simply voting on the DEFINITION of marriage.

What eats at me the worst is to think of what could happen if this proposition ends in a majority vote of "NO", meaning same-sex marriages will be permanently legal in California. Children will be forced to learn about same-sex marriages, and the relations that come with this...and they'd be taught as young as kindergarten!! This should be the parents place to teach about these things. We saw kids being taught that a "King and King" got married, and when parents complained and wished to be notified when these things were going to be taught so they could remove their child from the discussion, they were told that they do NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to do so. These topics are being FORCED upon people, when really they should be on an individual basis, as each family feels right.

If this proposition has a majority no vote... it will be TAKING AWAY RIGHTS, NOT GIVING ANY. As we see in Massachusettes, many people lost rights because everything was being considered discrimination. Bishops/priests of specific religions could not refuse to marry a same-sex marriage, and as a result, we saw some churches tell their religious leaders that they could no longer marry anyone.

I have friends who are homosexual, and I think they are so great. They are some of the nicest people I know and I do want them to be happy. That is why I'm glad they have all of the same rights as any other couple. I just don't want to see the definition of marriage to be seen as a common agreement between any two adults. It seems like it will slowly start to lose it's meaning.

I know this is a difficult topic, and I have a hard time with it, but I feel that everyone should have their own freedoms and rights, and no idea should be forced or thrust upon anyone.

Religious freedoms is what is really at stake....

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4nqtDrJI7A <-- check it if you have a chance
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGnj7Rd4yQk <--I had to post the one of my my cousin :)


Yesterday we had the opportunity to go to the MOA and to look at some of the religious pieces that they have there. The pieces were incredible! It always amazes me how well some artists can capture so much emotion on one piece of canvas. One piece that I found that I could stand in front of for quite some time was (I don't know the exact name of the piece), a painting with three bowls sitting on top of a red cloth draped across a white cloth. Each bowl contained something different- water, blood, and one that appeared to be empty but represented the spirit. There seemed to be so much meaning behind this painting and I just wished I could talk to the artist to hear what he/she had to say about it. It was a very simple painting, yet I was mezmorized by it and found that it to be so much more than what met the eye immediately.

I also really enjoyed "CHRIST HEALING THE SICK AT BETHESDA". The story as to how we acquired it was remarkable and was a miracle in and of itself. The emotion in each person's eyes in that painting was incredible. I especially liked the little child because he was always staring at you, no matter where you stood. I found this really intruiging and capturing. It made me feel like I had to know what the boy was feeling and thinking. This picture also made me reflect on my own life and what I might be doing or what I may look like if I were present for it.

I thought it was a great opportunity for us to approach the art and to learn from it and the various symbols throughout all of the peices.

Come what may, and Love it

So this month we had a chance to listen to General Conference for my church. We have this twice a year and it is always an amazing experience. The speakers were all so great and I am always amazed by their ability to pick such relevant topics to my life. One of my favorites was Elder Wirthlin's "Come what may and Love it". That quote has really stuck with me ever since.
So much stuff always goes wrong and so many different things can come up, but you just got play with the cards that you have been dealt w/...not only must we play with the cards though, but we have to make the most of them. Our attitude can change every situation.
He also talked about how everyday has its peaks and its shadows. This made me reflect back on a talk I had heard early this year about how everybody has spent time in their own liberty jail, but how when we are there we should know we are in good company. If you reflect back to the early saints of the church, specifically Joseph Smith, you can see how much they really had to endure. It is incredible. Some of his children even died as a result of the persecution. It really just makes me appreciate them and also shows that I pretty much should never complain about anything in my life. But it is comforting to know that when I find myself in the shadows of the day, or in my own liberty jail...I'm in good company....so then all I need to do is "come what may and love it"

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yes On Prop 8

This weekend I had the opportunity to go volunteer at a call center for "yes on prop 8". It was a fantastic experience. Families are so important and I feel that it is important to define marriage only as between a man and a woman. Otherwise, it I feel it loses its sanctity. It becomes a simple agreement between two adults and does not seem to have as much worth. I have nothing against people who have feelings for people of the same sex, in fact I have some friends that feel this way. When I vote yes I won't be taking any rights away from them, because they are already getting all of the same rights as any other couple. I am simply declaring what I believe the definition of marriage is. I really liked this summary of it all...
  • The Issue
    California voters passed Proposition 22 in 2000 by more than 61%, saying that a marriage in California is between a man and a woman. Earlier this year, four activist judges based in San Francisco wrongly overturned the people's vote, legalizing same-sex marriage.
  • The Consequences
    The Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage did not just overturn the will of California voters; it also redefined marriage for the rest of society, without ever asking the people themselves to accept this decision. This decision has far-reaching consequences. For example, because public schools are already required to teach the role of marriage in society as part of the curriculum, schools will now be required to teach students that gay marriage is the same as traditional marriage, starting with kindergarteners. By saying that a marriage is between “any two persons” rather than between a man and a woman, the Court decision has opened the door to any kind of “marriage.” This undermines the value of marriage altogether at a time when we should be restoring marriage, not undermining it.
  • The Solution
    Vote YES on Proposition 8 to overturn the outrageous Supreme Court decision and restore the definition of marriage that was approved by over 61% of voters. Proposition 8 is NOT an attack on gay couples and does not take away the rights that same-sex couples already have under California’s domestic partner law. California law already grants domestic partners all the rights that a state can grant to a married couple. Gays have a right to their private lives, but not to change the definition of marriage for everyone else.

    Passing Proposition 8 protects our children and places into the Constitution the simple definition that a marriage is between a man and a woman.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

if you have 7 minutes to spare...

We all have those days that just don't seem to go our way...

For those kinds of days...I recommend checking this out...

My sister sent me this and I LOVED it... so if you have 7 minutes to spare, I promise you it's worth it!!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

speaking in church

So I recently had to give a talk in church on personal revelation, so I had been doing a lot of thinking about that as a result. In my religion class we were talking about how the Book of Mormon came about and how Joseph Smith was able to translate it by revelation. One of the ideas that I liked most about this was the comment that Joseph Smith was given different aides in his translation to give him the confidence, but that he did not really need them.
Joseph Smith obtained the plates along with the Urim and Thummim, which were there to help him do the translations. In reality Joseph didn't need this, and by the end he didn't have to use them in the translating process, but it was there to give him the confidence he needed to know that he could do what was asked of him (translate the plates). It focused his faith and was a comfort more than anything.
I started to think how often are we given things that give us the confidence we need, but aren't necessary beyond that. When you learn to ride a bike often times your parents will run along side you, making you believe they are holding onto you, when really you are doing it by yourself. Or my roommate Rachel and I are playing on an intramural volleyball team and as we walked to our game I noticed she didn't bring her kneepads. She responded that she doesn't need them because she can dive in such a way that they aren't necessary, but they are only there to make sure she is not afraid to hit the floor. Sometimes I walk in to take a test and I need my calculator on my desk just as a comfort, when often times it isn't even needed. Just having it there makes me more confident in my performance.
It's kinda weird how psychological we can be sometimes... but it's just how we are!! ....or at least how I am! :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008


In my religion class there was a point brought up that I found very interesting; it was the difference between salvation and eternal life. I had never really thought about the differences of the meaning of these words were before, so I found it intriguing. It was said that salvation is a personal question. It is the chance to be saved as an individual, whereas eternal life was something to be achieved by a family. Although we may have eternal life as an individual, I like the idea of thinking of it as something to work towards as a family. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be with our families and loved ones even after our time here on this earth is spent. The knowledge that there is more than just this life on Earth is rather comforting. I remember attending my grandmother's funeral a few years ago and sitting there as everyone was happy for her. We mourned for our loss, but we rejoiced that she had gone on to a better place and could be with her husband once more. We knew that she was happy and that her death was not the end. It was comforting to know that I could see her again after my time here on Earth has passed as well. Contrary to this, I attended a funeral for a girl my senior year in high school. She had been a freshman, and had been camping with her family and friend but when they were playing in the river, the rushing current swept her away and her body was found a couple of weeks later. Being a student body officer, we tried to do all we could for her and her family, and a candlelight vigil was held in her honor. I remember attending this and feeling truly sad. I had barely known the young girl, but I could feel her loss and I felt for all of her loved ones who were all truly mourning. They didn't have this knowledge that they could have the opportunity to see and live with her once more. This made me so sad for them, yet so grateful that I have this knowledge. I wish everyone would know and take advantage of the opportunity to be sealed to their families for time and all eternity, not just until death do you part. I'm so grateful for my family. I love them so much and I don't know where I'd be without them. They are the best!

Museum visit...

So for my Doctrine and Covenants class we had to go visit a Museum here in Provo that basically demonstrated how books are published, with an emphasis on the early publication of the Book of Mormon. I had been to a very similar museum in Palmyra, New York a few years ago, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it! In Palmyra I recall being blown away by all of the time and work that went into getting a book published back then. Although the facts were fascinating then, I found the Crandall Museum to be even better because they demonstrated each step so you could really experience and understand exactly what went into each book.
The whole concept of a printing press is truly remarkable and the fact that anyone could imagine any of that up just blows my mind. I couldn't believe that they had to make their own molds for each letter, and then had to insert every letter individually into the correct place in order to spell out whatever they needed. On top of placing every letter one by one into the correct place, they also had to insert it upside down and backwards. Now that would be a real trip for me, I'd never be able to do it!
Part of one of the pages had been misplaced at one point and therefore those letters were removed and put in a pile off to the side. While I looked over the 16 pages that they could print each time, I was in awe that so many letters went into each page. Even though I found it remarkable, I obtained a true appreciation for it as I sifted my hand through this pile of misplaced letters and was able to see exactly how many letters each contained.
This whole process seemed to be very tedious and time consuming, but yet the Book of Mormon was published in practically no time. Printing 5,000 copies of this book should have taken a lot longer than it did, so I strongly believe that they received extra help and strength. I think that our Heavenly Father blessed them to perform their duties/work faster than they ever could have done on their own because the printing and producing of this book was so important. The Book of Mormon was crucial to the restoration and the spreading of the gospel.
After visiting this museum and seeing what went into producing the Book of Mormon, I gained an appreciation for the evolution of mass producing and for the improvements we've made over time, but better yet, I gained an appreciation for the Book of Mormon. Seeing the assistance that was given to those men to get this published just reaffirmed how important that Book is and how important it is that everyone have a chance to read it. I think this is why we have published it into so many different languages now.
Sorry, kind of a long post, but if you get the chance, I would definitely recommend going and checking the Crandall Museum out. Definitely worth it!

hopping on the bandwagon...

So I guess it was about time I picked up with the trends and created a blog like so many others do. I've never been very good at keeping these kinds of things updated, nor do I really have tons to say, so I guess we'll just have to see how it goes this time!