Sunday, August 23, 2009

a bit of home in j-ru

So I took these pics with the intention of posting this blog... but never got around to it!! So I decided to post them even though it was late...

(location, west Jerusalem)
Dublin... home sweet home
Then I found some family members there too.. well sorta....

"J"... Hal, you calling jess "J" has kinda stuck.
When I saw this store I immediately thought of you 2!!
And Michelle.... some may think this is a stretch, but she has been known as "Meesh" at times so when I saw this down at the Red Sea I couldn't resist.

Unfortunately I'm missing my little sister McKenzie + all of the in-laws and newborns, but they too were thought of and missed! These little touches of home always brought a smile to my face. My summer was amazing, and the only thing that would've made it more perfect would have been to have my family there with me! These signs may seem like a stretch for some, but it just goes to show that I was always thinking of them and trying desperately to find a way to put them into the picture of my summer adventure. SURE LOVE YOU GUYS!! <3

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

home again, home again, jiggity jig

..... at least I think that is how that nursery rhyme goes.....

Well, as you have probably noticed, I kinda gave up on the blog. SORRY!!!! BUT, even better, how about I just tell you about the last month or so here in person!? Great idea!! And in case I don't see you, here's a SUPER quick summary...

We stayed in Galilee for 10 days and while we were there, we visited some of the most AMAZING sites! Mt. of Beatitudes, Gamla, Tiberias, well-just tons! Heather Andersen did a great post about it, so check out her page (linked over on the right). Those 10 days were awesome because we had fields trips, class, and then pure free time on the beach. It was the best of every life to tell you the truth!

Back at the center we had a week before it was time for finals. Unfortunately I got really sick the past 10 days and basically couldn't get out of bed... but after 2 trips to the hospital, tons of tests, x-rays, and gallons of blood later...... they never found out what was wrong with me. No worries though becuase i'm back on the mend and should be better in no time!!

I fly out tomorrow at 3am to start making my journey home, so I should be back in SF at thursday night. So i'll have plenty of stories, pictures, and experiences to share if you ever want to hear.

This post is not very reflective, nor does it do this place justice. My experience here has been amazing and I have truly loved it! I am so grateful to have had so many wonderful experiences that I never dreamed I'd have. I've been truly blessed.......

and I even get to go home and meet my new niece and nephew. Life couldn't get much better. Love it all!

over and out!