Our Jewish theme continued throughout the week with a Passover Seder. This was really awesome. It was led by my Judaism teacher and his 2 little kids were there (they were adorable!). We all had specific parts to play, so some sang the Hebrew songs, some prepared the meal, some were narrators etc. I was a narrator, which was a good choice on my part because I was assigned the best seat in the house!! Right at the head table! Haha We were able to experience passover as all Jewish families do. We would read from the Torah, and say the prayers before we could eat of the bitter herbs etc. It was a really neat experience! I thoroughly enjoyed it!
^The roomies^
Ophir Yarden, his son, and myself (he's my Judaism teacher)
Then Friday night I was able to go to a Jewish Synagogue. This was very interesting! We attended a Reform Synagogue, and unfortunately many of their "regulars" were missing, so it was a small congregation, but still was awesome to be a part of. The Rabbi was so incredibly kind to us and was willing to answer questioned afterwards. Throughout the service he would come over and tell us what page they were on so we could follow along in the prayer books (it was written in Hebrew, but sometimes had an English Alphabet with Hebrew words...it was fun to try to read and see where we were). I really have come to love other religions and the people of different cultures. There is just so much goodness in the world, even amidst these conflicts in the country. The people were so very welcoming and kind to us. I loved it!!
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